January 27, 2015

Education in Egypt have rule systems and different teaching programs with programs and teaching system in Other country

Education in Egypt have rule systems and different teaching programs with programs and teaching system in our country. These differences can be seen in terms of Iranian variety for example, differences in teaching Chad , the difference in valuation and others.

TK in Egypt ( Hadonah ) Chad are not much different in Indonesia , which is a pair of years , level I and level II . Iranian TK shifted to the Coyote State ( Iptida'i ) . At the level of this State Coyote Chad courses are only national capital in the class I , class II , class III , class IV and class V / VI . Class V / VI is an amalgamation of Iranian class V and class VI rule implemented within one year . So in the quarter I learned rule is subject to the classes V and II quarter rule is subject studied in class VI .

Egypt votes in general in each level is determined by the Ministry of Education , where each lesson has a value of its own adornment . If in our judgment a student receives eighty and the adornment of us are a hundred then this means eighty per a hundred . Similarly, in Egypt , but each lesson has a value of its own adornment . In junior high school entrance exam , the entire amount of their subjects adornment is 350. Students rule had higher scores 185 Iranian junior considered up and go with the addition Malay English , whereas if it is less , then the American state will enter junior with additional Malay French .

Switch to high school teaching in the same rule is three years .assessments are generally the same but the value of Adornment whole number of subjects was 250. The increase in students with results above 185 will be entering high school level . If the student scores between a hundred and sixty and 185 , then the middle school students can enter the trade . If a student only rose without a high enough value rule that the American state can enter secondary school industry. ADA Botswana monetary unit of tourism and hospitality high school where the results of the rule required for school entry is determined by the school rules will be entered and the average is equal to the value of the industry .

Each school has a certain lessons . Let us detail the lessons and the division of each school . In high school , Chad teaching is three years . In the first quarter grade three , students are asked by the school to choose subjects of the rule will be taken . THERE are several options that science , mathematics and literature . If students take science then would get mandatory subjects of biology , chemistry and physics . In addition , students are required to choose a pair of other subjects such as science ( vegetable, animal or human ) , geography , philosophy , history and so on . Thus , subjects more Iranian IPA other subjects . Students rule choosing science subjects , will be entering college ( college ) medical ( dental , eye , etc. ) , perapotekan , animal medicine , vegetable ( agriculture ) and so on.

Students taking math rule would get mandatory subjects are chemistry , mathematics and physics .It is also welcome to choose a pair of subjects again of biology , geography , philosophy and society . Students rule took literature , Will gets a compulsory subject is geography , philosophy , social science , history and economics . Lessons rule chosen by students that chemistry , geography , mathematics , physics and biology . After the American state can enter college ( college ) lighting , trade , economic and tactics , music , perolahragaan teaching , teaching Arabic , the judiciary ( courts ) and many .

Of secondary schools such as trade , the rule of Education rule given ADA education to become a " businessman " with the computer subjects , type , secretary and so on . The school is run for three years . If the results of junior achieve the above two hundred high school students can enter the trade five years and then would enter the trade academy directly to the second level . This happens Botswana monetary unit of the industrial middle school and high school of tourism and hospitality . Could academy academy lighting , ancient relics , tourism and hospitality academy , etc.

plague explanation of the teaching programs of education in Egypt . We also need to know that in Egypt there are no ethical education subjects and the program we call the rule level rise EBTA - Ebtanas and in Egypt every year only lasted a pair of quarter , due to school in Egypt when the summer holidays .