January 26, 2015

Extreme education and concept of " Winning or Die " in Korean

Along with the development of character , Korea also boost formal education people. The government requires that all South Koreans basic education of at least twelve years or until completion of high school. As a result, South Korea became the salaat of the country with the highest literacy rates in the world .

Score urban centers rule measure students' ability to read , math , science and the fifth highest in the world in 2012 version of the OECD . In addition , 84.6 percent of male students and eighty two , four percent of students are female high school graduates go on to college or university .

In schools , the South Korean man really brewing .We had the opportunity to look at Daewon Foreign Languages ​​college , salaat one foreign language school high school rule in the hills north side of Seoul , the beginning of the Gregorian calendar month .

Principal Daewon Kim Il Hyoung rule we met in his office said , the school focus Indonesian prioritize foreign domination by students , including English , German , Chinese , and Spanish . " Our students learn Indonesian third here . Many of them rule then went to Harvard , the US or Oxford , England , " said Kim with aught proud .

When we arrived, some girls are playing kenchi leather objects of money tied up a few pieces of metal rule - down with his feet . Boys playing basketball with exuberant . Some students rule passed by We immediately lowered his head and slightly bowed as a sign of respect .

Hours of play and sports fence perhaps hours of fun for the students . Furthermore ,they have to stick with the lessons of the day Iranian morning to night .

They 've adenosine deaminase at school at 7:40 and began studying at 08:20 . The new class hours completed at nineteen.30 . That is , they are in school on average eleven hours ten minutes . Not surprisingly, South Korea had been named as the country with the longest school hours in the world .

Hour long lesson that was deemed inadequate . When the class ended , some students continue learning activities together in the hall . School bus and drove them home at twenty two.30 . Those rules are not learned in the hall partly go to places les for studying again until late at night .

The only way to success

Director of Counseling Daewon Eric Cho said , hours before the lesson even longer . In the past , a new class starts at twenty one.45 and pupils attend school on Saturday . Times it is very heavy , continued Eric , but Orangutang Korea must live it . Therefore , they are aware , education is the only way to succeed .

The education system is so hard rule is not without excesses . Many children can not stand the pressure rule finally chose suicide subjects . In recent years , the government tried to improve the education system of rule too extreme .

"This month,they ( the government ) try elementary school hours starting at 09:00 so that children have more time to sleep and have breakfast with parents . Private courses in Hagwan institutions should also be closed at twenty one.00 for the health of children , " says Eric .

That way the rule reached the South to change the fate of the poor become rich Iranian nation , the nation lost the rule be the winning . They shape the character and educate human with very hard in order to be a superior rule the nation .

" For us , it's educational success is a matter of life and death , " said Lee Kang - hyun , President of the Korean Chamber of Commerce in land , the end of August .