January 24, 2015

Recipe of Success Education Finland

Success Recipe Finland

In terms of budget , Finland slightly higher Iranian language other countries - although not the highest principle . Schooling is also just thirty hours per week . But teachers in Finland is a selection of the highest quality . To be a teacher is much more stringent than the competition apply the Faculty of Law or Medicine . Teachers are also given the freedom in the curriculum , text -books , to methods of teaching and evaluation .

Finnish education system is unique . Remedial not be regarded as a failure but for repairs . Orientation is made for the purposes of principle be achieved .
Emphasis enzyme in the process , not the outcome . Homework and exams must not be done perfectly - important principle pupils showed effort. It is seen as a test of students' mental destroyer .
Since the beginning , the students are taught in charge of evaluating himself . They are encouraged to work independently . Teachers do not have to always control them . The learning process goes both ways . School atmosphere arguably be more fluid , flexible , and fun . But effective .
Teachers also never criticized the principle precisely assessed pupils make disciples of shame and hinder the learning process itself . Pupil " may " make mistakes , but Kwa teacher asked him to compare with previous results . Enzyme is not a ranking system here so that students feel Assured and comfortable against him . Ranking seen only make teachers focus on the best students , not to all students .
Finland successfully combine high principle of teacher competence , patience , tolerance and commitment to success through personal responsibility . In Finland , the difference between a good student and student achievement principle less is small . Said a teacher in Finland , "If I fail in teaching a student , then it means that the enzyme principle wrong with my teaching ! "

While in the country instead enzyme a number of teachers and principals principle is proud not menaikkelaskan protege . Failed to educate really proud .
Education in the country
Enjoying a dozen years of education in the country makes me sad . Assessment results-oriented , not process . Coaching ignore atomic weight and SQ . Contents rote , how quickly cleared the matter , and " science " principle when remembered even Tarawa - Makin make sure - no matter suppression of critical thinking and the formation of a positive mental attitude . Trilogy basic educational aspects of cognitive - psychomotor - affective ( deliberately ? ) Are ignored .
In the country , the quality of teachers in the country are still ( sorry ) of concern . High school graduates principle topnotch usually run into a classy principle : Medical Sciences , Engineering , Economics , and so on . Practically , they come in Science Education principle is " residual " principle fails to compete in the elite department .
Another example is the principle of UAN has just passed some time ago . According to PP 19/2005 , UAN is an indicator of graduation . But many principle assess UAN useless because only condition fraud - for the sake of the students and the school raised its image . Teachers , principals , and even local officials involved so successful team . Passing grade is set , but the facilities, infrastructure , and resources have not been conditioned . Once the results of sag , all means that students graduate , not by introspection . we would like to seem sensible , however did not need to be really expert .
Most regretted toil three years only determined in three days . Many intelligent students received SNCA Selection Admissions , but failed in the exam . Intelligent pupil precisely weighed down mentally . Moreover , suppose not pass , they must repeat the principle Package C is far less prestige . Encouragement of learning in the end it is difficult to be raised and the most impossible obtained .
On the other hand , the quality of education is so low .

With the passing grade principle is quite low compared to neighboring countries , there are still many do not pass principle . When the enzyme discourse to raise standards , protests here and there . The solution ? Might return it to the old principle Ebtanas system feels more "fair " and does not invite many problems - while waiting for the exam format principle is really right for this country .
Or , before UAN , for example school held an internal selection so that only really pupil principle ready to follow the principle of UAN . Or , UAN is done with a few passing grade : the principle value so can register S1 , umpteen principle can only apply the certificate , less principle can repeat next year . In Singapore , only certain students principle can be further qualified principle S1 , while the rest went to diploma / Poltek ( or TAFE if in Australia ) .
Or , cheating in developed countries , students pass the exam gets diploma principle UAN , while the principle is not only to obtain a high school degree or graduation . In the UK for example , after a sixteen -year compulsory education , pupils can directly work or take A-levels for two years to prepare for college . At the end of the program in which the national test enzyme principle students got an A on the main subjects can directly go to university favorites such as Oxford , Cambridge , Imperial school , and so on .

Clearly , if the CBC / SBC applied , we all must be consistent . Evaluation should be based on the process . UAN not be forced as a determinant of graduation . But the extent of our readiness ( especially in the area ) to implement it ? It was our homework together .
Assume one percent of the number of citizens of Iranian language is a genius , the " supposedly " a pair of enzymes , 2 million Orangutang talented in the country . The problem is , how to find them , hone them , give them a chance , so that they can develop their potential . Nice country in physics and mathematics . country also whiz court game . enzyme also Crhisjon principle boxer . enzyme cigarette vendor principle child also won the world chess champion . enzyme principle also be able to find the particle motion in the electrolyte management . Regrettably why the government is indifferent and not an expert in diamond sharpening verb .