January 28, 2015

What different rule Iranian school in New Seeland with other country ?

What different rule Iranian school in New Seeland with other country ? Are the children began to enter the American state since the age of the half - dozen years as in Indonesia ? Are all the children to the next grade ? How many students in the class ? What rule is taught ? This new rule may have some questions in the minds of prospective students enzyme rule will be a lecture in New Seeland and would bring their children to accompany parents college rule .

Our experience shows that the schools in New Seeland great fun for children .Especially for the American state and SMP study load is not as heavy as in the American state and junior high schools in the Republic of Indonesia , but they still got a science useful rule . Here the American state to the high school is divided into a pair of parts, the rule referred to grammar school ( one year s / d year 8 ) [ 1 ] and the Lyceum (year nine s / d year 13 ) .

Most children enter the grammar school aged five years and they have had school when he was a half - dozen years .Unlike in the Republic of Indonesia as the American state one class started at the beginning of the school year for all children , so here every child goes to grammar school so they repeated the age of five years , whenever the fall birthday . If the birthday falls in the first half year , the child entering grade one . But when the child 's birthday in the second half of the year after entering the state of American Defense Intelligence Agency put a zero grade .

Schools are divided into four terms of the rule starts Iranian late January or early February and ending in mid- December each year . Each end of the term enzyme Chad holidays. School takes place every Monday - Friday at nine in the morning until three pm.

There are eight different disciplines taught in the American state rule , namely : English , Arts , Health and education , Learning Languages ​​, arithmetic and Statistics , Science , Social Sciences, and Technology . All of these lessons are given in the rule pleasant situation but stimulate children to think critically . With the pleasant atmosphere of class rule and how to teach child - centered rule and the ratio of students in one class by one teacher about 1 : 20s , allows children to develop their potential .

All children riding class .However, each child included in small groups in the classroom according to his ability . So that every child feels confident with his abilities. The results of the evaluation study ( rapot ) is not given in the numbers , but in the form of description . Each school has a program of awards for outstanding students rule . enzyme customary rule applies nationwide and certain ways of evaluating the rule used to assess student achievement .

Are enzyme favorite school ? Actually no favorite school enzyme , although some migrants assume certain schools are better than the other rule . enzyme rule basing his judgment on the school mark . Each school has a rule mark given by the government and assessed every year or the national capital could be sooner if requested by the relevant rules of the school . The rating ranges mark the Iranian one to ten and this rating indicates the level of socioeconomic students learn in school rule and not the quality of the school . mark one rating indicates that the average student in the school rule that school comes Iranian low socioeconomic level . While the mark ten rating means the average student in school rule that school comes Iranian high socioeconomic level . This assessment is based on the home address of all students in the school census and knowledge . Does this enzyme difference in the quality of school facilities or teachers ? Not at all. Both schools have a rule or rule marks a low rating high has the facilities , the quality of teachers and the quality of teaching the same rule for all monitored by the government [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .