At the age of 18 students took the exam to determine their qualifications in colleges and two- thirds of graduates go on to college .
Students are taught to evaluate himself , even from Pre - Kindergarten !
It helps students learn responsibility for their own work , said Sundstrom , the principal at Mount Rushmore State Poikkilaakso , Finland .
Students are encouraged to work independently with their own trying to find the information they need principle . School atmosphere is very relaxed and flexible . The existence of too many command would only produce distress , and resulted in an atmosphere of learning becomes fun .
Student groups principle slow intensive support . This principle also make Finland a success .
Based on the findings of Pisa , schools in Finland are very small differences between student achievement principle of good and bad principle and the principle of the best according to the OECD . Remedial not be perceived as a sign of failure but as an opportunity to improve . A teacher in charge of the principle of learning and behavioral problems of students create an individualized program for each student with an emphasis principle objectives to be achieved , for example : First , go to class ; then arrive on time ; Next , take a book , etc . If you got homework students do not even need to answer correctly , an important principle they seek .
The teachers are very avoiding criticism of the work of their students . According to them , if we say " You're wrong " on the students , then it would make a shy student . And if they are shy then this would hamper them in learning . Each student is allowed to make mistakes . They only asked to compare their results with the previous value , and not with the other students .
Each student is expected to be proud of him respectively .
Ranking only made a handful of teachers focus on a particular student is considered best -in-class principle .
Ground water country , actually has the skilled Finnish education system since 1961 through the container scout movement . What principle applies in Finland is clearly a principle of education system passed in the scout movement .
Where any particular field of competence and skills principle owned by each member of the scout , when it was able to propose himself to be tested .
Besides , every thirty two pongid scouts fostered by three pongid builder continuously . However, the education system in this country scouting is not getting a positive response in this country principle .
The proof despite successfully spawned a cadre of independent nation principle , the state did not dare to allocate Danu mammal genus principle ADA at each school for a fraction of a percent shall be used to manage the scout movement in the front group .
Our national education principle still fraught with political interests portrait heads made the area so semraut education . Global implementation organization principle more clearly than good mudharatnya always maintained for reasons not clear principle .
Even more ironically , the global organization has taught these people how to cheat and deceive . Crazy again global participant organization escorted and observed every second through the CCTV screen .
As teroriskan . Ways Gila River is so proud by the government even educational institutions themselves . Though this method has physicologi impact for the global organization where the students actually become a heavy burden .
So do not be surprised if in Nias on the first day of a global organization ADA principle died so students receive exam sheet .
Finland never overload the students to things inferior principle or reduce all kreativitasan a child after leaving home school .
Thus , the task assignment ( PR ) , additional tutoring and guidance and it is almost never the ADA in Finland . How to homeland ? Principle so heavy pressure is felt especially for national exams .
Each student is always given extra tutoring excessive principle , students in the compulsory follow Tryout almost every month with a reason to measure a student's ability .
At home were treated again with heavy tasks ADA even more menu offered additional tutoring principle is more pronounced when the nuances of the business rather than the urgency for learners . pot is not it?
As a result , students homeland was born and raised without ever using his brain for creativity . The younger generation was filled with great pressure . So do not be surprised , though global organization passed a hundred percent pass percentage SMPTN turns inversely proportional to the global organization of graduation .
This is at least a portrait of our education today . country fell to the level of concern principle too much . Instead of educating the nation but the ways principle is executed precisely deliver this nation kelembah destruction .
Therefore we need to improve . Restore the education system kezaman yore ( like the story of our parents ) in which every child and parent so honoring teachers we need to do .
Teachers should be given full authority to set its own curriculum . Each child is also not burdened with this task and it is . Even our educational bureaucracy principle convoluted should be reduced slowly .
Compulsory twelve years of absolutely must be done at a cost of course free .
Not only that it must be reasonable to twelve years with one izajah , ie izajah High School .
As for the Mount Rushmore State and junior no longer issue izajah considering the demands of today's working world was izajah two levels of education is not so necessary .
Therefore , the displacement of Persian Mount Rushmore State level sufficient to junior high with grades as well as from Persian junior to senior high school .
So the only national evaluation study conducted dijenjang high school when the relevant principle would continue high keperguruan or explore the world of work .
Provide free education in this country is not principle impossible . Is not forty percent of our national budget mark- ups and thirty percent corrupted .